Importance of Sunscreen UV protection

During the couple of sunny weeks we enjoy each year many Irish people end up with a painful pink glow. Many people don’t bother to wear sunscreen, often believing the sun isn’t harmful unless they are on holidays in a warmer climate. We may not be blessed with the sunniest weather here in Ireland, but did you know that harmful UV rays can damage your skin even through clouds? Sunscreen with both UVA and UVB protection should be worn every day, rain hail or shine. Here are some things to remember when considering your skin protection

Skin ageing

One of the most immediate results of sun exposure is sunburn. While it usually comes in the form of a pink glow, tenderness peeling and blisters, it can sometimes be very severe leading to hospitalisation and treatment for first and second-degree burns. Prolonged exposure to the sun can speed up the ageing process of your skin by causing long-term changes in the skin's structure. Spots, blotches and wrinkles that show up over time are signs of the suns damage to your skin and this kind of mistreatment cannot be reversed. The sun can also cause dry skin; your skin loses moisture and essential oils, making it appear flaky and prematurely wrinkled, even in younger people.

Protect against Skin Cancer

One of the biggest risks from overexposure to the sun is skin cancer, which is dangerous to everyone, young and old. Harmful Ultra Violet rays emitted by the sun can so easily damage your skin and lead to Melanoma, the most harmful type of skin cancer, which can lead to deformation, severe pain and in severe cases death. The only way to be 100% safe from harmful rays is to cover up all exposed areas of your body, which is not always practical. The second best way to protect your delicate skin from the sun is to wear a sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection every day but especially from April to September.

How to choose Sunscreen:

Choosing a sunscreen that works for you every day can be tricky but once you’ve found one that works well, you can rest assured that you are protected every day here are some tips from the Irish Cancer Society:

·       Use a ‘broad-spectrum’ sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB

·       Use an SPF minimum of 30 and ensure your sunscreen has the recognised UVA and UVB logos

·       Apply to dry skin 20 minutes before going outside and allow to soak in

·       Be extra careful of areas that do not usually see the sun as they will burn much quicker.

·       Check the products use-by date and store it below 30°C.

·       Choose a water-resistant type if sweating or you are involved in water sports.

·       Reapply every two hours.

·       You may wish to use foundation or moisturiser with an in-built SPF every day, but this should be topped up with sunscreen if you are exposed to the sun for long periods.

Children & The Sun

Babies and children have very sensitive skin that is more prone to burning if exposed to the sun for long periods without protection. You should always use a high factor all over children, a minimum of factor 50. Allowing a child to get sunburnt can also increase their risk of developing melanoma later in life. Ideally, children should be kept out of direct sunlight when the sun is strongest, between 11am and 3pm. Sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, especially if a child is playing in water. Young babies, especially under 6 months old should be kept in the shade & a sun shade should be attached to their pram.

Spa treatments & sun damage

While nothing can completely reverse the damage done by the sun, there ertain treatments can reduce the impurities the sun has caused. Regular facials can refresh the skin, leaving it cleansed, moisturised and feeling and looking younger. Using products that have been thoroughly dermatologically tested, like the Osprey Spa chosen skincare partner, Dermalogica, can help to protect your skin from irritants and harsh chemicals.

If you’d like to discuss your skins needs or the most effective way to use your sunscreen, visit Osprey Spa. Attached to one of the best spa hotels in Ireland, our experienced staff offer expert advice tailored to your skin type when you book in for a complimentary consultation before your treatment. Call or email us today to learn more.